‘Two-faces of Science Communication: peers and lay audiences’
The international Interbio workshop ‘Two faces of ScienceCommunication” will take place at the Instituto deTecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) from 19-23 March 2012.
In the unique setting of the town of Oeiras, located at theTagus river mouth and the Estoril beach coast, just outsideLisbon, this practical workshop aims to help researcher developtheir communication skills and get them acquainted withexamples of science outreach activities they can engage with.Workshop objectiveThis 5-days workshop proposes to address both faces ofscientific communication, to peers and to lay audiences,focusing on the role of researchers in the process.• Training scientific writing• Learning about science communication activities withinInterbio• Practicing talking to the publicInvited speakers• Andrea Gwosdow, Gwosdow Associates Science Consultants• Magdalena Bak-Maier, Imperial College London• Vladimir de Semir, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona• Vicent Martinez, Observatori Astronòmic de la Universitat deValència• Nathalie Caplet, Cap Sciences, Bordeux• Carlos Catalão, Ciência Viva, Lisboa• Toulouse representative (to be confirmed)• Baudouin JurdantTarget audienceThis workshop is targeted to researchers willing to developtheir communication skills both when dealing with their peersand when talking to the public. The event is free for INTERBIOparticipants but limited to 6 candidates per node due to itspractical nature.
Travel and living expenses should be coveredby each respective node.Organising committeeA. Sanchez, A. Veiga, C. OliveiraITQB, Oeiras – www.itqb.unl.pt