cDNA synthesis for BCR-ABL1 detection at the MMR level: the importance of using the appropriate kit

The synthesis of complementary DNA (cDNA) for use in the detection of BCR-ABL1 at the Major Molecular Response (MMR) level is a well-established method used by clinical laboratories world-wide. However, the quality of cDNA provides sensitivity challenges and consequently affects the detection of Minimal Residual Disease (MRD).
Herein, we evaluated six commercially available kits for the synthesis of cDNA according to amplification success rate, linearity and ABL1 copy number. Based on our results, the Invitrogen SuperScript® III Reverse Transcriptase kit performed better, among the ones used in this study, for the cDNA synthesis, followed by the First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-PCR (AMV), available from Roche Applied Sciences.
Accurate and sensitive testing for the detection of abnormal transcripts, allows the correct stratification and treatment of patients. Hence, the use of a suitable kit for the cDNA synthesis is of great importance. This study provides a comprehensive point of reference for clinical laboratories in an attempt to optimize BCR-ABL1 detection. We propose that the Invitrogen SuperScript® III Reverse Transcriptase kit is the most suitable, among the ones used in this study, for the cDNA synthesis to be used for the detection of BCR-ABL1 at the MMR level in a CML MRD assay.

The IP10 (CXCL10) specific cDNA probe of the mCK-5c multiprobe RNase protection assay kit carries two nucleotide insertions that complicate the interpretation of results.

RNase protection assays (RPA) employing multiprobe sets are powerful tools to simultaneously measure transcription of several different genes. We used BD Biosciences/Pharmingen’s mouse chemokine probeset mCK-5c to measure chemokine gene expression in brain and spleen tissue of mice. Depending on the RPA protocol used, we observed differences in the relative amounts of transcripts for interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) and T-cell activation-3 (TCA-3).
Isolation and sequencing of the IP-10 specific gene from the mCK-5c probeset revealed two nucleotide insertions in the probe that are not present in the natural IP-10 cDNA. We show that these insertions cause RNase A-dependent degradation of the protected IP-10 mRNA yielding a fragment indistinguishable in size from that specific for TCA-3, thus leading to over-interpretation of TCA-3 expression as well as underestimation of IP-10 gene expression levels.

A tool-kit for cDNA microarray and promoter analysis.

We describe two sets of programs for expediting routine tasks in analysis of cDNA microarray data and promoter sequences. The first set permits bad data points to be flagged with respect to a number of parameters and performs normalization in three different ways. It allows combining of result files into comprehensive data sets, evaluation of the quality of both technical and biological replicates and row and/or column standardization of data matrices.
The second set supports mapping ESTs in the genome, identifying the corresponding genes and recovering their promoters, analyzing promoters for transcription factor binding sites, and visual representation of the results. The programs are designed primarily for Arabidopsis thaliana researchers, but can be adapted readily for other model systems.

Co-transduction of cDNAs for c-kit and steel factor into single CD34+ cord blood cells further enhances the growth of erythroid and multipotential progenitors.

Previous studies have demonstrated that the c-kit encoded tyrosine kinase receptor and its ligand, steel factor (SLF), are critical for normal blood cell development. We have reported that transduction of the c-kit gene into single hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC), CD34(+++) cells, from cord blood (CB) enhances erythroid colony formation via a SLF-dependent mechanism. We therefore decided to evaluate the impact on cell proliferation of co-transducing c-kit and SLF cDNAs into these cells. CD34(+++) cells were sorted as a population or as 1 cell/well for cells expressing the highest levels of CD34 and different levels of c-kit. Cells were then prestimulated with granulocyte macrophage (GM)-colony stimulating factor (CSF), interleukin (IL)-3, IL-6, erythropoietin (Epo) in the presence and absence of various concentrations of SLF.
Cells were then transduced with SLF and/or c-kit cDNAs, and then assayed for colony formation with the same cytokine combination. At a single cell level, co-transduction with c-kit and SLF genes significantly enhanced colony formation compared with individual gene transduction, especially by erythroid and multipotential progenitors that responded to stimulation by added cytokines. Little or no growth was seen with the c-kit- and/or SLF-transduced cells without addition of cytokines. The degree of enhancement effected by co-transduction inversely correlated with the degree of expression of c-kit protein before transduction.
Optimal enhancing effects were noted in CD34(+++) kit(Lo/-) cells co-transduced with both c-kit and SLF cDNAs. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain (RT-PCR) analysis of SLF mRNA expression in CD34(+++) cells and enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) measurement of secreted SLF protein demonstrated that the transduced SLF cDNA was expressed and soluble SLF was released in medium cultured with SLF gene transduced MACS-separated CD34(+) cells in the presence, but not in the absence, of IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-6, and Epo. These results demonstrate the enhancement of the proliferation of growth factor responsive HPC that express transduced c-kit and SLF genes.

Enhancing effects of co-transduction of both human erythropoietin receptor and c-kit cDNAs into hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells from cord blood on proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitors

Steel factor (SLF) and erythropoietin (Epo) play critical roles in erythropoiesis. To evaluate interactive effects of Epo and SLF receptors (R) in erythropoiesis, CD34+ and CD34 cord blood cells were transduced with human EpoR and c-kit cDNAs by retroviral mediated gene transfer. Erythroid (BFU-E) colonies derived from CD34+ or CD34 cells transduced with either the EpoR or c-kit gene were significantly increased in the presence of interleukin (IL)-3, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), Epo, and different concentrations of SLF compared with that from mock transduced cells.
This number was further enhanced by co-transduction of both genes. Enhancement was more apparent in the absence of SLF. Cell numbers in individual erythroid colonies were also significantly increased in cells transduced with both genes compared with cells transduced with a single gene. Short-term liquid culture showed that ex vivo expansion for five days and numbers of CD34+CD71+ cells in expanded cells from single CD34 cells co-transduced with both EpoR and c-kit genes were increased compared with those of EpoR or c-kit-transduced cells. These results demonstrate that co-transduction of both c-kit and EpoR enhances the proliferative capacity of erythroid progenitors under cytokine stimulation above that of single-gene transduced cells.

Novo? cDNA Kit

M1165-100 Biovision each 424.8 EUR

Novo? cDNA Kit

M1165-25 Biovision each 320.4 EUR

Evo™ cDNA Kit

M1164-100 Biovision each Ask for price

Evo™ cDNA Kit

M1164-25 Biovision each Ask for price

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx460012-1096tests Abbexa 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx460012-596tests Abbexa 5 × 96 tests Ask for price

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx460012-96tests Abbexa 96 tests 262.5 EUR

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx461055-1096tests Abbexa 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx461055-596tests Abbexa 5 × 96 tests 1637.5 EUR

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx461055-96tests Abbexa 96 tests 450 EUR

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx461073-1096tests Abbexa 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx461073-596tests Abbexa 5 × 96 tests 1037.5 EUR

cDNA Synthesis Kit

abx461073-96tests Abbexa 96 tests 525 EUR

Novo? Transcriptome cDNA Kit

M1167-100 Biovision each 1142.4 EUR

Novo? Transcriptome cDNA Kit

M1167-25 Biovision each 529.2 EUR

Evo? cDNA Kit (gDNA Removal)

M1166-100 Biovision each 457.2 EUR

miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit

4205A Unibiotest 25 Tests 300 EUR

miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit

4205B Unibiotest 100 Tests 1000 EUR

Tetro cDNA Synthesis Kit

BIO-65042 Bioline 30 Reactions Ask for price

Tetro cDNA Synthesis Kit

BIO-65043 Bioline 100 Reactions Ask for price

The cloning and expression of the cDNA for ovine stem cell factor (kit-ligand) and characterization of its in vitro haematopoietic activity.

The cDNA encoding the soluble form of ovine stem cell factor (SCF) has been cloned and expressed. The soluble protein is predicted to be 165/166 amino acids in length, one more than the human and murine SCFs with which it shares 87% and 81% identity respectively. Ovine SCF has 98.5%, 95% and 91% identity with cattle, pig and dog SCF, respectively. The recombinant ovine (rov) SCF protein has been expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, purified, and its biological activity on ovine bone marrow cells compared with that of interleukin 3 (rovIL-3), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rovGM-CSF), interleukin 5 (rovIL-5), human macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and human erythropoietin (epo).
On its own rovSCF supported the development of small numbers of neutrophil, macrophage, eosinophil, granulocyte-macrophage, mixed cell phenotype, haemopoietic blast cell and basophilic granular cell colonies in a soft agar clonogenic assay. In combination with each of the above cytokines rovSCF supported an increase in the number and size of the lineage-specific colony types that were stimulated by the other cytokines on their own. In an assay for precursors of multipotential colony-forming cells (multi-CFC), rovSCF in combination with rovIL-3 (but neither cytokine alone) supported the development of these early haematopoietic progenitor cells.

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